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Argentinian Tango Classes
Wed classes Jan, Feb, Mar 2025!
class 7-8.15pm/practise till 9.15pm
Learn the language of Tango - improve your technique and musicality
The classes are suitable for beginners as well as for anyone wishing to refresh technique and polish up their dancing skills!
In the class we will -
- work on solo and partner exercises
- learn how to lead and follow together
- combine walking and turning movements
- learn how to make the dance flow with the music
- have some fun!
All welcome
£9 per class including practice time
(or £45 for 6 (six) classes)
FFI: email
Redland Club, Burlington Road, Redland Bristol BS6 6TN
and look out for some Absolute Beginners Taster Sessions coming soon....
Wear comfortable clothes and bring smooth soled shoes.
07981 756965
Classes this term...
CLASSES for 2024- suitable for beginners, recent beginners & improvers
7.00-8.15pm Fundamentals Class (inc. practice) £9
at the Redland Club, Burlington Road, Redland, Bristol BS6 6TN
We offer a discount for pre-payment of 6 classes
In our lessons we cover tango movement technique; posture, balance and axis; connection in the embrace: musicality; tango floorcraft and etiquette. Fun, friendly and structured classes in Bristol with instructor Michele.
Occasionally we hold a Wednesday Milonguita (8.30pm-10.30pm) instead of the practice session. This is a friendly social dance event celebrating all those with birthdays in that month.
Redland Club BS6 6TN
5 good reasons to learn Tango in Bristol:
Meet new friends
Enjoy the music and the dance
Learn a new social skill
Improve health and fitness
classes click here
Esquina afternoon milonga
Sunday 2nd March 2025- 2-6pm
DJ: Michele
refreshments and delicious cream tea!
and Biagio will play some tangos on the accordian!
image from Nov 24
An afternoon of wonderful dancing at the Redland Club! For a great afternoon of dancing, Traditional tango music - Newly refurbished dance floor
Light refreshments - tea, coffee, biscuits, nibbles
+ delicious afternoon Cream Tea!
Friendly atmosphere and tango etiquette
Looking forward to seeing you!
Redland Club, Burlington Road, Redland, Bristol BS6 6TN
Entry £12 cash preferred
2025 Esquina Dates
5th Jan, 2nd Feb, 2nd Mar, 6th April, 4th May, 1st June, 6th July, 7th Sep, Oct-tbc, 2nd Nov, Dec- Sat 20th Dec
Milonga at the Redland Club in Bristol