About Us : Michele & Andrew

Michele is currently Tango West's principal Director and Teacher. Andrew has been taking an extended sabbatical since 2020 and is concentrating on DJ'ing independently.

Between them, they have over 45 years of experience and have the reputation of providing a very solid foundation in the basic principles of Argentine Tango in Bristol and in nurturing a friendly and supportive  atmosphere, conducive to systematic and progressive learning. Their inspiration is the social dancing of the great Milongueros of Buenos Aires, whose style of dancing is rarely taught outside of Argentina.

Andrew and Michele are very experienced Traditional Tango DJs, with around 30 years experience between them, having DJ'd at over 450 Milongas in Bristol and elsewhere. Their DJ style has evolved over time, from a more eclectic approach in the early years, to a solidly Traditional one now. They were amongst a few pioneers in the UK who set the standard of arranging the music in Tandas, and using curtain music in between.

They are available to DJ at your Tango event if you wish.

Andrew & Michele dance to Tanturi:



Andrew & Michele

Michele & Andrew have studied extensively in the UK, Europe and Buenos Aires with maestros including the following:

 Nestor Ray, Ricardo Vidort,  Eduardo Arquimbau, Stefan & Komala,  Eric Jeurrissen, Diego Riemer & Mecha, Leandro Palou & Andrea Misse,   Stella Barba,  Biljana Lipic,  Eduardo Bozzo (who we originally brought to Bristol)   Christine Denniston,   Thierry le Coq & Veronique Bouscasse,  Fernando Galera & Vilma Vega,  Yvonne Meissner & Eduardo Aguirre,  Diormar Giraldo & Mina,  Cesar Velasquez,  Paul Lange & Michiko Okazaki,  Mike Lavocah,  Gustavo & Maria,   Silvia Ceriani,  Andreas Wichter,   Melina & Detlef,  Alison ValĂ©,  Augusto Balizano.  We have also hosted Tango legend Milena Plebs with David Palou, Demian Garcia and Lautaro Cancela. Most recently  Monica Paz