Lessons : Tango Lessons on Wednesday

New term starts on Wed 15th Jan!

class 7.00-8.15pm + practise till 9.15pm

In the class we’ll work on the basics of tango concentrating on technique and connection - we'll make it a fun classa nd enjoy learning together.


also look out for some Absolute Beginners Taster Sessions!

later in the term we hope to run some more milonguitas like this one -


Beginners’ classes 

7pm-8.15pm plus practice time till 9.15pm

Classes suitable for beginners and those wishing to refresh their skills!

£9 per class including practice time 

(or £45 for 6 classes)

 Also private classes are possible by arrangement - email admin@tangowest.co.uk

Tango lessons with Tango West in Bristol - suitable for beginners, recent beginners & improvers - on Wednesdays at the Redland Club, Burlington Road, Redland, Bristol BS6 6TN

Class starts at 7.00-8.15pm plus practice session till 9.15pm

Price: £9 per class inc. of free practice, practice only £4

 Special Offer: £45 for a block of six classes booked in advance

How it works:

In these classes we focus on the fundamentals of Tango as well as adding in new concepts for those students who have already taken some classes with us.

It's fine to drop in though better to commit to a series of classes if you can. That's so you can learn the basics, make regular progress and develop your skills.

Michele provides expert instruction based on many years experience of the music and the dance!

There's no need to bring a partner- it's fine to come solo; please wear smooth soled shoes suitable for dancing.

New Beginners always welcome

Argentinian Tango Classes
every Wednesday
instructor Michele

At The Redland Club, Burlington Rd, Redland, Bristol BS6 6TN

Five Good reasons to learn Tango

  • come along and have fun,
  • meet new friends,
  • learn a new social skill
  • enjoy the music as well as the dance
  • become healthier and fitter with the pleasure of dancing!

Click here for Map to Redland Club BS6 6TN